骨科生物力学实验室研究方向 Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab Research



Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab focuses on the clinical problems in clinical researches and offers engineering solutions to the orthopaedic surgeons. The main research in OBL includes:

(1) 3D Modeling; (2) Computational Biomechanics; (3) Image Tracking Technique; (4) In-Vitro Experimental Testing.


Measure precise joint movement using dual-plane dynamic X-ray tracking technology


The dual-plane dynamic X-ray tracking technology is currently one of the best methods for non-invasive measurement of joint motion in the orthopedics field. The dynamic joint motion images taken by a pair of mutually angled X-ray cameras are combined with the 3D bone model reconstructed by CT scanning, and the three bones are matched with the dynamic 2D image through 2D-3D registration to obtain accurate joint kinematics information. Based on this system, the laboratory has studied the motion characteristics of the hip, knee and elbow joints, and is closely integrated with clinical problems. It has implemented in-vivo biomechanics research of artificial hip joint prostheses, and reconstruction of different ligaments of the knee joint. The impact of elbow joint biomechanics research, etc.


Development and application of multi-platform in vitro mechanics test system based on KUKA manipulator


Relying on Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, we have built an in vitro experimental platform for robotic arm joint function testing, including a six-axis robotic arm, force gauge and optical full-field strain gauge. Combined with the above-mentioned experimental equipment, a set of six-degree-of-freedom manipulator joint function test system was developed by self-integration interface, which realizes the position/force hybrid control of the isolated joint. Based on the above-mentioned position/strength hybrid control theory, the robot arm test system simulates clinical experiments and functional movement, and then measures the precise force and displacement relationship of the joint. At the same time, the optical full-field strain gauge can measure the joint movement process Changes in strain and elongation on the surface of joints and ligaments. Therefore, the robotic arm joint function test system can accurately measure the kinematics and dynamics related parameters of the joint, which will help us understand the degree of motion and stability of the joint, and the surface strain distribution under functional activities.


Morphological study of hip joint

髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip, DDH)是指髋关节发育过程中出现的一系列结构畸形,包括股骨头和髋臼的发育不良、髋关节半脱位及脱位三种情况。随着DDH病情的发展,患者会出现步态异常、肌力下降、下肢不等长等临床表现,通过对术前术后的影像学参数分析,将有助于医生做出正确的术前规划,从而提高手术的效果。本研究中,我们从上海九院收集了一批DDH患者及正常人的CT影像,结合临床的实际问题,设计了相关研究方案,完成了一系列的研究发表,这些研究已经被发表在了COA、ORS等骨科相关的学术会议。

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) refers to a series of structural deformities that occur during the development of the hip joint, including dysplasia of the femoral head and acetabulum, subluxation and dislocation of the hip joint. With the development of DDH, patients will have clinical manifestations such as abnormal gait, decreased muscle strength, and unequal length of the lower limbs. The analysis of preoperative and postoperative imaging parameters will help doctors make correct preoperative planning., Thereby improving the effect of surgery. In this study, we collected a batch of CT images of DDH patients and normal people from Shanghai Ninth Hospital, combined with actual clinical problems, designed relevant research plans, and completed a series of research publications. These studies have been published in COA, ORS and other academic conferences related to orthopedics.


Motion analysis


The Vicon infrared 3D motion capture and analysis system uses an infrared high-speed camera to capture the marking points attached to the surface of the human body. By tracking the movement of these skin marking points, the human body movement is tracked. The bones are the support and movement system of people, and the occurrence of related diseases will often be directly reflected in sports. Therefore, motion capture and analysis are appropriate for orthopedics biomechanics. With the help of this system, our laboratory has independently developed customized related programs such as gait analysis, lower limb force line analysis, static balance analysis, etc. to serve the clinical orthopedics department, showing full vitality.


Automatic two-dimensional/three-dimensional image rapid spatial registration system assisting surgery

本项目采用软硬㇐体,提高运算能力。通过开发自动化的配准技术,克服临床病患的复杂性和多样性,完成人体生理特征从术前3D体数据模型,向术中人体的实时2D投影图像配准,确保配准精度高于业界所有手术导航产品。借籍GPU并行运算性能的提升,采用以空间换时间的策略,完成配准算法的并行运算,在秒计时间内完成迭代,提高临床手术的可用性。 随着并行运算机的性能不断提升,和影像设备的改良,本系统将能够提供更精准的匹配,和更快速的运算,在临床诊疗必将有广泛而深刻的应用。

This project adopts soft and hard body to improve computing ability. Through the development of automated registration technology, to overcome the complexity and diversity of clinical patients, complete the registration of human physiological characteristics from the preoperative 3D volume data model to the real-time 2D projection image of the human body during the operation, ensuring that the registration accuracy is higher than the industry All surgical navigation products. With the use of GPU to improve the performance of parallel computing, the strategy of changing space for time is adopted to complete the parallel computing of the registration algorithm, complete the iteration in seconds, and improve the availability of clinical surgery. With the continuous improvement of the performance of parallel computing machines and the improvement of imaging equipment, this system will be able to provide more accurate matching and faster calculations, which will surely have extensive and profound applications in clinical diagnosis and treatment.


Slice-to-Volume image registration based on dynamic MRI

成像时间是MRI的最大技术难题,当前常规的3.0T MRI机器难以实现高分辨率的动态3D成像,因此我们通过动态2D影像,结合静态扫描得到的3D模型,通过slice-to-volume配准将2D动态影像与3D骨骼模型匹配,得到MRI下的精确关节运动追踪。相比于双平面动态X光追踪技术,MRI具有无辐射、能够成像软组织之优势。

The imaging time is the biggest technical problem of MRI. The current conventional 3.0T MRI machine is difficult to achieve high-resolution dynamic 3D imaging. Therefore, we use dynamic 2D images, combined with the 3D model obtained by static scanning, and use slice-to-volume registration to register the 2D The dynamic image is matched with the 3D skeleton model to obtain precise joint motion tracking under MRI. Compared with dual-plane dynamic X-ray tracking technology, MRI has the advantages of non-radiation and capable of imaging soft tissues.